Postcards from Pittsburgh - March 2001

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Saint Patrick's Day Parade

We stood in the freezing wind and occasional rain to watch a seemingly never-ending procession of bands (both pipe and wind), local politicians and other floats and vehicles tenuously (or not at all) linked to Ireland. The parade lasted for nearly three hours but hypothermia had set in before then, so we adjourned to Market Square for a pint or two of green beer, the consumption of which seems to be the main activity associated with Saint Patrick's Day in the US.
I'm going to organise a float in next year's parade - The banner on the side will say "Pittsburghers Who've Actually Been to Ireland". It'll be completely empty!

17 March 2001

More Pittsburgh Architecture
My occasional series on the buildings of Pittsburgh continues...
The William Penn Hotel has an impressive exterior and is splendid inside.

The First Lutheran Church on Grant Street and the Smithfield Congregational Church on Smithfield Street are both dwarfed by the surrounding modern tower blocks.

The ornate Mellon Center is extremely difficult to photograph without a wide angle lens. Somehow it reminds me of Manchester Town Hall.
18 March 2001

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